“Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions”

Host - Ward Dow
I came away from my first boot camp knowing I needed to walk in the company of other men who were seeking the same path. My intent is to provide you with that.
Bring your camp chair, favorite libation and/or cigar, pipe. We’ll have everything else. The black button on the keypad will be enabled and there will be a sign on the post.
If rain is in the forecast, we will meet on the porch and forego the fire. If it is dry, we’ll meet up on the hill at the fire pit. I look forward to sharing time and stories with you.
"Ward does a great job of hosting this gathering. I already know from my own experiences, that a man cannot survive the battle we face everyday without the accompaniment of other like hearted men. What an invaluable service Fearless Lambs is."
Jim AbshireHill Country Men on Fire
Buying a gym membership or a treadmill doesn’t do you any good unless you use it and make it a habit! Spending a weekend at HCMOF is great, but without constant positive reinforcement we all revert to the old self, it’s human nature.
Dave ZanderBack Nine Financial
After attending several Boot camps with HCMOF; I’ve found that the monthly renewals of brotherhood, and shared battle stories, are crucial to my journey. Ward has created an incredible outlet for the warriors to come heal one another. The dome of heaven is out there and guardian angles stand watch over us. I feel “Fearless” after each shared campfire.
Jim TerrianJ Terrian Designs
Fearless Lambs has become an important tool for my spiritual growth and maturity. Ward gets us started with a God given message or scripture, then he sits back and let’s the magic happen. Prayer, worship, questions, answers, conversation. I always strongly feel the presence of God there, sitting around the fire with us, laughing , and crying along with his sons. There has been several times when I was tired and beat up by my day, and telling myself maybe I’ll skip Fearless Lambs tonight and just go home and collapse in my recliner with a beer. But I usually hear a voice that says get your butt over there, you need it. I have never regretted that decision, I always leave the fight night refreshed, renewed, and at peace. The fire pit is on top of a hill and has a 360 degree view of the surrounding hill country. There is usually a cool breeze and always wildlife and fellowship of like minded brothers. I am blessed to have Fearless Lambs in my life.
Kent MartinRoy L. Martin & Associates